Apple’s September Event 2022 will take place on September 13, right in the middle of the month, according to the Apple-focused website iDropNews.

The Apple iPhone 14 should launch on a Tuesday in September, and a leaker just let us know which Tuesday to mark on your calendar.

It matches up perfectly with previous iPhone release dates. The iPhone 5 was released between September 9 and 12, with Tuesday being the ideal day before Friday’s pre-order and next Friday’s sale.

Therefore, we shouldn’t assume this leak contains solid information; they could simply be playing the odds. Additionally, Apple has released iPhones the week before, in the case of the iPhone 7, to avoid further showdowns, so this could still be a placeholder.

There is a leaked site that claims Apple will host an event on September 13th, and it may not be the iPhone 14 launch. However, Apple usually launches its iPhones on Tuesdays in September, so we can pretty much assume that will be the day.

We’ll probably have to wait until September 6 to see if anything happens on September 13, though leaks may give us an idea of what to expect. Apple usually announces its launch events a week in advance, so we won’t know what to expect until then.